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6 Website Design Trends to Watch in 2016
6 Website Design Trends to Watch in 2016
April 11, 2017
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As a young child in school, we are taught not to judge a book by its cover. However, this didn’t stop many of us. We looked at the overall design, the font, the pictures, the colors, and of course, the title. Whether we wanted it to or not, the cover of the book swayed us when deciding what book to pick.

The same theory is applied when it comes to your website’s design. The wrong color scheme, photos, and lack of information can drive a potential client away before they even click the “services” button. So what makes a website design special? What keeps a client clicking and checking out what you have to offer?

Staying on trends and creating a seamless web experience is one for starters. Here are six trends to think about in order to create a website design that has what it takes to pass the first impression.


One trend that has made a big statement is the use of the hero image. A hero image is a large, oversized image displayed at the top of a website and before the scroll. What makes this design feature so powerful is the use of a strong visual statement. The sense of sight is indeed one of man’s most powerful senses. It would only make sense to engage users with strong visuals. Although this trend is not new, it has the ability to get the job done.

One thing users will see more of is the use of the hero image with subtle movements incorporated into the image. These small movements may be in the form of video or cinemagraphics that will add a little extra something to a homepage without overpowering the user’s experience.


Responsive design is more than a trend, it’s a must in website design for 21st century users. A responsive web design makes sure users are able to connect to your website in a fluid manner no matter what device they are using. In fact, mobile devices account for nearly 2 of every 3 minutes spent online. (Source: comScore) With technology making it easier and safer to browse the Internet on smartphones, it only makes sense to make sure that your website design is responsive to all screens.

Now that more and more websites are responsive to more screens, the next step will be creating a website that is responsive to different ages of users. That’s right. Websites will begin to change font sizes, color schemes, and navigation menus all based on a user’s age.


A micro-interaction is when a user completes a single task related interaction within an app or website. We perform these micro-interactions on a daily basis, sometimes without even realizing it. Clicking the “like” button on Facebook or clicking “log in” on Pinterest are just two examples of micro-interactions.

However, the new trend is to break down these micro-interactions and create micro-mini-interactions. These micro-mini-interactions may be inconspicuous to the user…and that’s the point. They help move the user through your sight effortlessly and allow said user to consume the content of your site efficiently. Creating a space that is easy to navigate and hassle free will keep users returning to see what you have to offer.

Image title


For the past years, flat design has been the go-to option for many creating a website design. Its simple nature has taken over many websites. However, this has caused many sites to look cookie cutter and lack originality. The trends coming into play over the next few years still have simplicity in mind but are more about becoming original in content. Flat designs will become semi-flat with added shadows and textures. We will even see some web designers go to the other side of the spectrum with custom created illustrations. These custom created illustrations are mostly hand drawn and add to the unique user experience.


Animations will also take on the task of being original. More website designs will incorporate unique-to-the-site animations. Instead of viewing the same circular loading icon, users will begin to see different versions taking over the web. For example, a site focused on healthy eating may create a loading animation with fruits and vegetables swirling around.

More animations will be carefully thought out. In order to have a seamless website design, many will need to incorporate animations that are in sync with their website content. A boutique website may show a model wearing the latest dress design. When the user hovers over the image, the model begins to turn and move to demonstrate the shape and flow of the dress. A car dealership may show a car moving in small 360-degree increments as you hover over the image. These small, interactive animations not only add value to your site, they also help with creating a unique and a fun user experience.


With an Internet generation wanting everything “NOW,” it is important for web designers to create pages that load quickly. According to Adobe, 39% of people will stop engaging with a website if images won’t load or take too long to load.

It is also equally important to display information neatly. This is where tiles and cards come into play. They not only allow your site to load faster, but individual cards and tiles allow the information to be separated and allow visitors to your site an easier way to digest a lot of information at once without feeling overwhelmed.

If you feel like your website is still in the 20th century or you feel you need a website for your business and don’t know where to start, VisionAmp offers websites that are second to none.

We don’t just build a site and leave you hanging either. Our clients and their website receive continuous attention through the use of a sophisticated tracking system that allows us to create a site that works for you and your business by driving leads and ultimately obtaining sales.

To see what VisionAmp can do for you, visit us at or call us at (870) 580-0909.

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