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Bend with the Trend
Bend with the Trend
December 5, 2022
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With 2023 just around the corner, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to technology, website development, as well as website design. While there can be hidden dangers waiting for those who jump on every new thing (especially when they are not “tried and true”) it is critical to implement the newest available technology, knowing trends and expectations of online users.

Advice from Our Chief Website Officer, Josh Jackson

“Lots of websites seem to be more complicated and harder to navigate. I would say the most successful websites I’ve built were more on the simple side, not a lot of fluff. The goal is to have a responsive and mobile friendly site that loads extremely fast.”

So what does all of this mean? Here are some tips that will help you achieve greater success in 2023 when it comes to your website:

1. Simple

The first key for any website is to have a simple domain name. Instead of we chose A domain name that makes sense, and one that is easy to remember is step one. You also need a clear description of your company displayed. Short and simple, to the point. Other things to consider include easy navigation structure, main landing page must be non-wordy with easy to understand link options, and lots of negative space. “KISS” - Keep it simple sweetheart!

2. Fast Load Speeds

Nobody enjoys waiting in line. The same goes for slow loading webpages. There are just too many other pages/options to choose from when you’re surfing online. The average user will not wait much longer than 2 seconds. If you have slow loading speed, maybe your hosting is insufficient, or perhaps you have large images on your site. It can also be slow if you have lots of redirects or too many plugins. Be sure to compress your graphics and throw out those unnecessary plugins. Fast is always better.

3. Less Fluff

As Josh mentioned in the opening quote, less fluff is the goal. Less is more. Consider creating lots of redirects to your “contact us” page, where a personal follow up is generated, allowing your staff to send them specifically requested information. Also, don’t cram your pages with stock photos. If you use photos, use them sparingly, making sure they are perfect examples of what’s being presented on that page. 

4. Looks Good

There’s no other way to put this - but your website just has to look good. According to Clique, “75% of people base the credibility of a business on how their website looks.” A report published by Stanford found that three-quarters of people judge a company by their web design. Clique also notes that “94% of people say web design is the reason they mistrust a website.” Bottom line - for your website to be legit, it has to be designed well. This will lead to trust and the credibility you need. 

5. You Had Me at META

According to Google, “We will sometimes use the tag from a page to generate a snippet in search results, if we think it gives users a more accurate description than would be possible purely from the on-page content. A meta description tag generally informs and interests users with a short, relevant summary of what a particular page is about. They are like a pitch that convinces the user that the page is exactly what they're looking for.”

Meta descriptions need to be 130 characters or less. This description is the text under a page title that shows up in search results. If you go over 130 characters, your description is replaced by “...” if they’re too long. So, use a word counter to check the number of characters. Google Docs has this tool, along with many others such as WordCounter and SERPsimulator

6. Other

While these five tips are important, there are other elements to consider - such as 

  • Responsive Design

  • Mobile Friendliness

  • Have “Human” Chatbots

  • Well Thought Out Landing Pages

  • Choose a Good E-Commerce Platform

  • Research and Use Intentional Keywords, being “Search Engine Optimized” and more. 

With so many options out there, why miss the chance at having the best website possible? Really stand out in the digital era by focusing on providing the best website you can afford. VisionAmp Web Design is a full-service company providing a wide range of services, including building amazing websites, and helping businesses build their overall brand and their targeted clientele. To view examples, check out our portfolio where you will see a wide range of websites that we have built from the ground up. Now is the time. Give us a call or come see us today!

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